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For the Vents

  1. The rules are flexible and may be modified at the Advisor's discretion

  2. Camps are to be no closer than 10 m to the camp of any other group.   Location of the camps is at the sole discretion of the Vents as long as it is within the camping area

  3. Camps must be identified and marked with a glow stick so that advisors and camp assistants (Renegade Rovers and some veteran Survivorman Vents) can find them in the dark.

  4. No fires will be constructed outside of a fire bucket without the permission of the Red Deer Vent group (it is their site they get to make the rules on this.)

  5. You are allowed to visit and socialize with other groups, even to the point of sharing their fire to stay warm.  You are also allowed to help other out with Survivorman skills and are encouraged to learn from each other.  Be respectful of each other's camps and of our personal space.

  6. At the end of the camp, all camp sites must be returned back to approximately the state they were found in.  We are practicing no trace camping

  7. The Camp coordinator is the Ultimate Judge and their rule is law.

  8. Winner will be chosen by adding up the point totals for the weekend plus bonus points awarded by the Advisors for acts of outstanding bravery and good service.

  9. Penalties will be assessed or the group disqualified if contraband items are found such as chain saws, matches, cell phones and food (other than rewards and the two granola bars).

  10. No wildlife will be harmed in any way except for bugs (including squirrels via a Hello Kitty key chain).

Remember winning isn’t everything you are here to learn and have fun.

For the Advisers

 1. We will be assisting the Vents in surviving.   

 2. The Advisers do get to eat.  On Saturday night the Advisers will hold a pot luck supper.   

 3. For Breakfast and lunch on Saturday Advisers need to bring their own food.

 4. On Sunday morning there will be a big communal breakfast with food supplied by 159 Silver       Springs and Scenic Acres Vents (that is why we need some money for the event).  All

     Advisers will work together to help cook the food for a group of very hungry vents.

5. Advisers need to bring their own tents and camping gear.


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